Archive for January 2014

Let’s Try it Out

 Practice Inquiry

Inquiry 2Question: How are you going to know what to inquire on within the following units: agriculture, forensics, personal technologies, and transportation?

Use the inquiry model framework to move through your inquiry and gain insight into your curiosities.

Plan: What interests you about each topic?

Retrieve: Find information, review it, evaluate resources.

Processing: Establish focus, choose resources, record, make connections, review and revise your plan for inquiry.

Creating: Organize info., create a product, consider audience, revise and edit.

Sharing: Present new understandings

Evaluating: Evaluate the inquiry process, product, plan. Revise personal inquiry model. Transfer learning to new situation beyond school.

Assessment: Rubric and Project Reflection

 *This is an exploration into the four units. We are gaining a little more knowledge/ understanding about each of the four so that we can take our studies further as we move through this course.


There are a lot of valuable resources that students can use to researchbrain learn their interests and curiosities. The links posted below are a great place to start your inquiry:

World Book (see Dawn for Log In)

BC’s Agriculture Home Page

Transportation Canada

Government of Canada: Science

Personal Technology Canada

Google: Fusion Imaging: Gamma Camera and CT scanner Combination.

BC Archives, Royal BC Museum

Archives Canada

Visual Records, Archives BC

Forensic Investigations Canada

RCMP Forensics

Forensic Talk: General Information and Articles

CBC Archives

CSI: The Experience